Short Instructions Outline

Supply List
- 2 old T shirts you don't mind cutting up, style does not matter
- lots of duct tape, about 2 to 4 large rolls depending on your figure size,
2" width (It's also fun to use colored tape for your final layer)
- permanent marking pens
- scissors: Any old pair will do but Bandage scissors will make cutting off
the form safer.
- 1/4" elastic, about 1 yard
- thin string, any type
- long wooden ruler, at least 36"
- A cardboard tube, the kind that 60" material comes on. Diameter doesn't
matter, but it needs to be as thick as possible to withstand the pressure
of the stuffing and the weight of the form. Most Fabric stores throw these
out. You can ask your favorite store to save you one. You can also try carpet
stores for an empty carpet roll, or buy a PVC pipe.
- Foam padded poster board
- a wooden hanger
- foam raglan shoulder pads
- 6 to 8, 20 oz. bags of poly fill, you may need more or less according to
your figure size
- a stand (optional)
- a trusted friend, or 3, or 5
- If you are planning a taping party to make several Doubles in one day, it
was suggested to me that adding a platter of nice cheese and crackers and
a bottle of Semi-fine wine will make the taping much easier, not to mention
more fun. (I recommend Berringer's White Zinfindel)
Preparing the T shirt
- Cut off one sleeve and bottom portion of one shirt. Discard rest of shirt.
- Sew the body section of the cut up shirt onto the bottom of the other
- Sew the cut-off sleeve into the neck opening.
Wrapping- First Layer
- Put on shirt and have a trusted friend wrap you in the duct tape.
- From bust, wrap horizontally to about 12" below waistline.
- Wrap around the shoulders area.
- Safety Note: The wrapping does need to be done snugly, but not so tightly
as to cause any distress. If you do start to feel funny, take a break and
sit down for a moment. If you don't feel OK immediately, have your wrapper
cut the form off. You can always start over. Your health is more important
than a silly dress form.
Wrapping- Second Layer
- The second layer is done vertically to give the form more stability.
- Mark waist by drawing a line with permanent marker.
- Mark center front, back and sides using a plumb line.
- Measure with yard stick from floor, where the bottom of the form will be.
This should be placed at least as low as the fullest hip measurement. (about
9" below waist) Draw a line parallel to the floor at this measurement all
around the form.
Cutting Off the Form
- Cut form off up the center back.
Preparing to Stuff
- Cut a slit in one end of the tube large enough to rest wooden part of hanger
in it so that the hanger sits upright.
- Tape hanger in place so that it is perfectly perpendicular with the tube.
- Place duct tape form on hanger like a garment so that the tube runs down
the middle of the form.
- If making a female form, tape or glue the shoulder pads into a breast.
- Tape the back where you cut the form.
- Stuff form firmly inside the duct tape shell but on the outside of the tube.
- When arm area is done tape opening shut with overlapping pieces of tape.
- While stuffing you need to keep the tube situated so that the bottom line
you drew stays parallel to the floor and the width and depth mirrors yours.
Finishing the Bottom
- Cut an oval of your hip area out of 3 layers of cardboard or foam board
to secure the bottom.
- Cut the hole for the tube.
- Place the board on the tube and slid up to the bottom of form.
- Position the cardboard oval so that it rests right on your marked hipline.
- Tape securely to bottom of form.
Wrapping- Third Layer
- After stuffing, re-wrap the whole form horizontally.
- While you do this redraw your plumb lines and other markings.